We always strive to provide integrated care for our patients

Eye Injuries

Common causes of eye injury include household or industrial accidents

All Retinal Operations

everything related to the retina, such as a blockage of the main retinal vein, closure of the main retina and retinal detachment.

All Corneal Operations

Corneal transplantation of all kinds are performed at the Ammar Eye Specialist Center and these corneas are human tissue

Cornea and Retinal Laser

Laser retina treatment is a coagulation surgery, in which the surgeon directs the laser beam to the eye through the iris puncture

Tear Duct Obstruction

One of the common health problems in newborns, so it affects an estimated one third of children at birth


It is a small swelling or swelling that appears on the upper or lower eyelid of the eye


It is a group of blood vessels and tissues that begin to grow in the eye under that conjunctival area